Benefits of Community Living for Seniors: Combating Isolation

Written By: Discovery Senior Living
Benefits of Community Living for Seniors: Combating Isolation

Senior isolation is nothing to take lightly. The National Poll reports on Healthy Aging that 34% of older adults between 50 and 84 feel isolated.

Community living for seniors can help combat this isolation. Activities and events help foster connections to nip loneliness in the bud.

Here, we'll talk about how retirement community living for seniors enhances socialization. Read on to learn some of the biggest senior community benefits to know about!

The Importance of Combatting Isolation

Social isolation leads to loneliness, which is the feeling of being alone in the world and lacking opportunities for human connection. When people are lonely, their quality of life declines. They're at a greater risk for sadness and depression.

Studies published in the National Institute on Aging also show that isolated seniors are at a higher risk of:

  • Cognitive decline
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's
  • Obesity
  • Bad immune function
  • Heart disease
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Stroke

By providing seniors with rich social opportunities, assisted living communities stave off the potential for these increased risks. Seniors can maintain a high quality of life by engaging in community events.

Organizing Social Opportunities

Seniors in assisted living have access to plenty of social activities, including a rich activity calendar. Community members can mingle and get to know each other by organizing different social opportunities.

Some opportunities for seniors to meet in community living for seniors include:

  • Group fitness classes
  • Walks around the courtyard
  • Crafting workshops
  • Game and bingo gatherings
  • Movie nights
  • Themed dances
  • Academic guest lectures
  • Live musical performances

Having the ability to choose activities that they're interested in gives residents a sense of control. It also means that they'll be engaged in the activity from start to finish, which staves off boredom and inattentiveness.

No matter what a senior's interests are, there are opportunities to engage assisted living residents with different activities.

Create a Community in Fairfield, IA

Assisted living communities foster a sense of camaraderie among residents. By living in a senior community, seniors have access to a large network of people who are all going through similar life changes.

Those entering assisted living communities are starting a new stage of life. While a new home and invigorating community are exciting, it's important to have support from others who are sharing similar joys and challenges.

Additionally, since seniors get to choose what community events to attend, they're more likely to meet others with similar interests. For example, two seniors who attend a guided sketching workshop are both likely to be interested in art. Since they already have something in common, it will be easier to connect.

After all, this helps to build connection and support as well as trust. There won't be any awkwardness since conversations about those interests flow freely!

By living in a community with older adults who have similar interests and experiences, they'll have friends to discuss their thoughts and feelings with. From there, they'll have friends to help with any challenges that might arise.

Form Emotional Relationships

Many seniors in assisted living are far from family and friends. This can make navigating life challenging. They may not have many people to talk to or meet up with regularly.

Fortunately, by living in a community with plenty of other elderly adults to socialize with, they can form strong emotional relationships and help one another with their thoughts and feelings. This might include offering advice or just lending an ear when needed.

Amazing community amenities give seniors a place to spend time together every day. Some ways that seniors can connect include:

  • Eating together in restaurant-style dining areas
  • Spending time together in lounges
  • Playing games in community activity rooms
  • Chatting in outdoor living areas
  • Meeting up in each other's well-appointed apartments

Aside from the residents they'll meet, seniors in assisted living have access to a wonderful, caring staff who can help them express their feelings and talk about things that might be bothering them. They'll also have people to share their triumphs with so they can celebrate milestones the right way.

Organized Daily Routine in Senior Housing Solutions

There are several reasons that structure is important for a rich lifestyle. Some include:

  • A psychological sense of progress
  • Reasons to remember to eat and maintain personal hygiene
  • Better self-care that improves mental health
  • Familiarity in daily life
  • A sense of control

Seniors in assisted living have the benefit of a structured routine, with different activities throughout the day. From breakfast with other residents to plenty of invigorating daily activities, older adults living in a community have their days planned out.

This ensures that seniors will have the opportunity to socialize while in structured retirement community living. The structure ensures that residents have time to meet up with friends and get out of their comfort zone!

Fitness Programs

Seniors, like everyone else, need plenty of physical fitness. This helps them both mentally and physically, supporting:

  • A healthy immune system
  • Better bone density
  • Improved mood
  • Better muscle mass
  • A decrease in feelings of depression, isolation, and anxiety

Some activities that work to aid in senior health include:

  • Walking groups
  • Yoga classes
  • Pilates
  • Tai Chi
  • Strength training exercises

Older adults in assisted living have access to group classes where they can get together, socialize, and work on improving their overall health. Older adults who live alone might not be inclined to join exercise programs, especially if they have mobility or transportation issues and can't get to a class.

When seniors exercise regularly, they'll experience a sense of accomplishment while meeting some of their goals, including weight management and lowered blood pressure.

Reap the Benefits of Community Living for Seniors

Understanding the social benefits of community living for seniors is the first step toward enhancing your loved one's lifestyle. Elder living options can boost their quality of life so that older adults can make the most of their golden years.

Addington Place of Fairfield is committed to helping residents thrive with ample social opportunities. We offer a wide range of community events and calendar activities for seniors with diverse interests, so contact us to learn more about what we have to offer!

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