Essential Steps for Transitioning to Assisted Living

Written By: Discovery Senior Living
Essential Steps for Transitioning to Assisted Living

About 1.4% of seniors in the United States live in assisted living communities, which is only expected to rise. If your loved one is about to join this statistic, then it is important to make the transition as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Although transitioning to an assisted living facility can be daunting, there are several steps you can take to make the journey an enjoyable process for everyone involved. This guide will explore the essential steps involved in the transition to an assisted living community.

1. Start the Conversation Early

The first step is to initiate open and honest conversations about senior living arrangements early on. This allows individuals and families to explore options, express concerns, and make informed decisions together. Encourage active participation from everyone involved to ensure that all preferences are considered.

Starting the conversation early also lets you decide the perfect time to move. Moving in the spring is often great weather-wise, while moving in autumn is perfect as the season represents change and fresh starts.

2. Research Options

Researching and exploring various senior care communities is essential to finding the right fit. You'll want to consider factors such as location, amenities, services offered, and affordability.

According to Genworth's Cost of Care Calculator, Iowa's average cost of assisted living is about $5,200 per month. Of course, this number depends on several factors, including whether you qualify for financial help.

3. Assess Specific Care Needs

Conduct a thorough assessment of your loved one's care needs to determine the level of assistance required. This may involve consulting with doctors to evaluate medical conditions and cognitive abilities.

Based on these assessments, you can decide whether or not you need additional services such as memory care or speech therapy. Understanding these needs is essential for selecting an assisted living community that can adequately address them.

4. Create a Transition Plan

Developing a comprehensive plan is essential to ensuring a smooth and organized move. Take the time to outline tasks such as downsizing, packing, arranging transportation, and coordinating with the assisted living community. To streamline the process, consider assigning specific responsibilities to family members or hiring professionals to streamline the process.

5. Downsize

Did you know that the average home in America contains over 300,000 items? After a lifetime of collecting belongings, downsizing is one of the most important things to do before transitioning to an assisted living community. Most people will move from a house to an apartment that cannot comfortably fit all their belongings.

Help your loved ones identify which belongings they want to keep, donate, or sell, considering the space limitations in their new home. This task may seem overwhelming initially, but try to make it fun if you can! Take the time to look through old memories and ask your loved ones to tell you the stories behind certain sentimental items.

6. Gather Important Documents

Make sure you get together important documents and information, such as medical records, insurance policies, legal documents, and other financial records. Organize these documents and place them in a folder that is easily accessible to you, your loved ones, and the community staff.

7. Communicate With Staff

Maintaining open communication with the staff at the assisted living community is essential for a successful transition. Make sure you share relevant information about your loved one's needs, preferences, and routines to ensure that they receive personalized care.

Additionally, you'll want to ensure that your loved one feels comfortable speaking with the staff, as they are their point of communication when you are not around. Encourage them to voice any concerns they may have and let the staff know how they are feeling. You should also feel free to reach out to the staff to check in on your loved one at any point during their stay.

8. Get Used to the New Environment

It may take some time for your loved one to acclimate to their new environment and routine. To streamline this process, help them to personalize their living space with familiar belongings and decorations to create a sense of comfort and familiarity. Encourage them to bring cherished belongings such as photos and keepsakes that hold sentimental value.

You'll also want to encourage participation in social activities and programs offered by the assisted living community. Many communities offer various fitness classes and clubs for residents to enjoy, and taking part in these activities can help your loved one to make new friends and feel included.

9. Provide Emotional Support

Moving to an assisted living community can evoke a wide range of emotions, including anxiety, stress, sadness, and loneliness. As an important person in your loved one's life, it is essential to provide emotional support and reassurance throughout the transition process.

To provide extra support, consider setting up visits from friends and family to help your loved one maintain social connections and feel less isolated in their new environment.

10. Monitor the Adjustment

Ideally, the transition to assisted living will happen without any issues, but this is not always the case. Therefore, it is essential to monitor your loved one's adjustment to assisted living and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. Stay engaged in their care, well-being, and happiness, communicating regularly with both your loved one as well as the staff and healthcare professionals that they see on a regular basis.

If any issues or concerns arise, then promptly address them to ensure that your loved one receives the support and assistance they need to enjoy their time in their new home.

Make Transitioning Into an Assisted Living Facility Easier With Addington Place

Transitioning to an assisted living facility is a significant life change that requires months of planning, preparation, and support. By following these essential steps and providing emotional support, you can help to ensure a smooth and successful transition for your loved one.

Allow Addington Place of Fairfield to help you and your loved one with all of your assisted living needs. From quality dining and daily social activities to chauffeured transportation, weekly housekeeping, and on-site care services, our community will do everything we can to meet your needs. To learn more about our services and talk to a team member, contact us at any time.

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